Washington, DC Friday May 7, 2010. Ghana's Ambassador to the United States H.E. Daniel Ohene Agyekum has launched a new book celebrating 50 years of U.S.-Ghana and U.S.-Africa Relations in a ceremony held at the Ghana Embassy in NW Washington, DC. Prior to the launch Ambassador Ohene Agyekum stressed the importance of documenting bilateral and multilateral history not just for governments but for citizens of the countries concerned. Mr Robert Scott, Deputy Director for West African Affairs at the U.S. Department of State and former political and consular officer in Ghana represented the U.S. government at the event.
The event was attended by approximately 250 guests from the diplomatic community, U.S. government (State Department), development, civil society, business and African Diaspora communities. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ghana (2003-2005) Mary Carlin Yates attended the event in her current capacity as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Adviser on Strategic Affairs (White House). It was co-sponsored by the Africa Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa and Afrikan Post.
The 177 page, perfect bound book which has already been profiled by CNN's Larry King is titled "The United States & Ghana: Celebrating 50 Years of Friendship & Progress In Pictures." It is the most comprehensive photographic compilation of historic events that have ever transpired between the United States & Ghana since 1957 when Ghana gained political independence from the British. The second part, also in pictures, focuses on the evolution of U.S.-Africa relations. The 237 carefully selected historical photographs and supporting text presents U.S.-Ghana /Africa relations on a chronological time line as has never been done before.
Altogether 33 institutions including 4 U.S. presidential libraries contributed to the publication which took 9 months to complete and thousands of research hours. The books are currently being retailed through its website http://www.usafricapicturebook.org until it reaches books stores across America and it is launched in Ghana.
Prior to the launch the author, AMIP's President & CEO Mr. Frederick Nnoma-Addison, a Ghanaian and U.S. trained journalist and media executive (pictured above) spoke to the audience about his organization which was established in 2004.
"AMIP (Africa Media-Image Project) and its subsidiaries AMIP News and AMIP Productions is a U.S. based African interest media organization working to bridge the information gap between Africa and the United States. Since its establishment AMIP has covered or produced documentary films on most of the major African related events that have taken place in Washington, DC.
The editor Mrs. Beryl Nnoma-Addison - AMIPs Vice President also spoke about the book and the publishing process.

Photo Report

Mr. Robert Scott (L- State Department speaks to the author -center- before launch)

Honorable E.T. Mensah (Minister for Employment & Social Welfare, Ghana) Making Remarks

Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates & Brabara Carlin (Mother - 97)

Ghanaian born world-renowned percussionist Okyerema Asante



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